Salty and Delicious - But How Much Salt Are You Really Drinking?

Salty and Delicious - But How Much Salt Are You Really Drinking?

Salt—it’s a kitchen staple, but how much do you really need? And is all salt created equal? Spoiler: nope!

Sodium is an essential electrolyte that helps keep your body’s fluid levels in check and balances acids and bases. But depending on your diet, your sodium levels can vary. If you’re into wholefoods, your sodium intake is probably on the lower end. But if you lean more on packaged or processed foods (or have a habit of dining out), then you might be getting a little too much.

At Clover Ferments, we take a different approach. We use organic, high-quality New Zealand sea salt in our tonics, and it’s worlds apart from the processed table salt you’ll find in most store-bought foods. The difference? Our salt is pure, unrefined, and works with your body, not against it.

For example, a 70ml serving of our beetroot kvass contains just 0.210g of salt—a tiny amount compared to the 4-5g your body needs each day. So, you can sip on our tonics without worrying about overdoing it on sodium. 

Want to keep your salt levels in check and support your overall health? Here’s a quick guide:

  • Load up on wholefoods to naturally balance your sodium intake

  • Stay hydrated—adding a squeeze of lemon or a pinch of salt to your water is a great hack!

  • Cut back on processed foods and takeaways when you can

  • Enjoy our fermented tonics at the recommended dosage for a natural, balanced boost


So next time you reach for a bottle of Clover Ferments, you can feel good knowing that it’s not only delicious, but also packed with natural, high-quality ingredients that support your health—without the unnecessary sodium overload.


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